Glitch (working title) (2024)

Instrumentation: fl., ob., 2 cl. + a. sax, trp., hrn/, tbn + b. tbn., drum set, vibe., congas, pno., synth, strings, narration, fixed media, MaxMSP, video

Duration: 15-20’

Glitch (working title) will explore concepts of choice, coercion, and control. Performers will choose to follow, ignore or influence material dictated to them, in real-time, by a computer program, blurring the lines between consent, control, and coercion and exploring ways technology and our intersecting identities inform and mediate one another. Glitch will feature notated and prompt-based material (text, sound, and image) alongside free and guided improvisation and will draw aesthetic influences from Afrobeat, Minimalism, and the Avant-garde. The piece will feature narrated performance by brittany j. green and live video processing performance by Kate Alexandrite. Glitch is funded by Alarm Will Sound’s Matt Marks Impact Fund.

Notable Performances

  • Alarm Will Sound, premiere performance (TBD)

Purchase and Perusal Score Spring 2025