shift.unravel.BREAK. (2022)

Instrumentation: Clarinet, Violin, Cello, Piano

Duration: 4’

shift.unravel.Break. takes on the form of its title. Musical material forms and comes together out of silence and shift around the ensemble. As the material devlops, it stretches and begins to unravel into a rhythmic frenzy before breaking into fragmented moments of sound and silence. This work was composed for CULTIVATE 2022, Copland House's emerging composers' institute, and was premiered by the Music from Copland House ensemble on June 12, 2022.

Notable Performances

  • Music from Copland House (NY, USA)

  • Kamratōn Composer-of-the-Year Tour (Pittsburgh and NYC, USA)

Perusal Score

Purchase Available Through SozoMart